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 Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia

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Anthonis de Ligne

Anthonis de Ligne

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Location : Rotterdam, Holland

Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia Empty
PostSubject: Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia   Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia EmptyWed Nov 27 2024, 18:46

It has been years, even since Empress Adaliena whom he served as Imperial Secretary, that he has set foot in these wings of the Castle. He smiled at the guards who he did not recognize, even though there were years he was here every day.

My dear fellow, at ease please. Could you announce Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia who is here ready for service.

Anthonis sat down and waited for a known face and hopefully some keys.
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Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia   Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia EmptyFri Nov 29 2024, 22:16

"Welcome, you should have the necesarry keys in the meantime."

Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia 6yyEn9E
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Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia   Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia EmptySun Dec 01 2024, 00:48

Good evening Your Majesty, I found the door open....
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PostSubject: Re: Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia   Arrival of Imperial Duke Anthonis Philippe Nicolas de Ligne Borgia Empty

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